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Vemma Nutrition Company

8322 East Hartford Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
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8322 East Hartford Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

BILLGCHEN88 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

恭喜 VeMMA 榮獲五獎~~Vemma Wins Five Awards in 2011 MARCOM Competition


MARCOM Recognizes the Creative Efforts of Marketing and Communications Professionals

Vemma Nutrition Company is pleased to announce the receipt of five awards in the prestigious MARCOM Awards competition. Vemma was honored with three Platinum awards, the competition's highest designation, and two Gold awards recognizing the company's outstanding creative achievements in marketing and communications. The awards were conferred for work ranging from print and packaging to video and social media.

Over 6,000 entries were submitted in this year's international competition from corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, design shops, production companies and freelancers.

Less than 20% of entries received a Platinum award; Vemma was awarded the following Platinum awards:

  • Print Marketing in the Brochure, Handbook category for the Vemma Brand Safety Manual
  • Electronic/Social/Interactive Media in the Video/Film Meeting Opening/Closing category for the Power of You Video
  • Strategic Communications, Marketing/Promotion Campaign in the Branding Refresh category for the Verve Branding Refresh

In addition, Vemma was honored with two Gold awards (the competition's second highest honor) for the following work:

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